Introduction and familiarisation with Serial devices and hardware
Installing AC2000 / AC2000 Applications
User Options
Time zones / Badge Design / Card Types
Access Levels / Groups
Companies / Personnel
AED Configuration / Using the AED
CDC interface familiarisation
Pre-RequisitesObjectives: The four day AC2000 Installation course is designed to provide access control professionals with the skills and knowledge required to setup and maintain CEM Systems access control hardware and the AC2000 Application Suite.
Audience: Installation / Support engineers and other professionals involved in "at the door" hardware installation and troubleshooting and / or software setup and administration.
An understanding of Windows Operating Systems and their file structures commensurate with accreditation standards
An understanding of Windows Networking using TCP/IP, their terminology, parameters and connection implications
An understanding of basic access control
A background with handling low voltage electronic devices
A+ or N+ or similar Certifications are highly recommended